The non-profit association “Lundaland” has been working with locally led development through the LEADER method since 2009, with support from the European Structural and Investment Fund. The following municipalities in Skåne county are included in Lundaland: Kävlinge, Lomma, Lund, Staffanstorp and southern Eslöv.
The role of Lundalands Local Action Group (LAG) is to facilitate the development process according to the Lundaland Development Strategy and decide on which projects that should be supported to achieve the overall goals of the Strategy.
“In the year 2020 Lundaland is a well known place in Europe that embodies smart, inclusive, sustainable development and local co-creation that benefits all of society.”
LEADER Lundaland is a part of an EU initiative that brings together public, private and civil-society stakeholders to support rural development projects. Since its launch in 1991, LEADER has provided rural communities across the European Union with the resources to enable local partners to actively engage and direct the local development of their area, through community-led local development.
Projects are initiated at a local level in order to revitalise rural areas and create jobs. LEADER is an acronym in French – Liaison entre actions de développement de l’économie rurale – meaning links between actions for the development of the rural economy.
LAG Lundaland has developed a strategy where co-creation is central.
The strategy has three objectives (1-3), and two horizontal goals (4-5).
To reach these objectives five operational focus areas have been developed.